
Advanced Cloud Services

Changes in technology continue at a breathtaking speed and cloud services are setting the pace. Our team has experience in delivering you solutions and custom services to take advantage of everything the cloud offers.

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What We Offer

Cloud Strategy

Defining a cloud strategy needs to be done right. No matter where you are in your journey, it's never too late to put together a plan for using the cloud.

Cloud Migration Services

It can be overwhelming knowing where to begin with your cloud migration. With guidance from a team who has travelled this road, reaching your destination is guaranteed.

Cloud Financial Management

Running services in the cloud requires financial planning just like was done with physical data centers. How are you managing costs now that you're in the cloud?

Cloud Security

The cloud shared responsibility model helps you to know what your on the hook for, but do you know how to secure the cloud?

Cloud Strategy

How We Work?


Collecting information to identify problem

During the first step in our process, we work to determine where you are today. What are your challenges? What gaps do we need to close?


Determine priorities and build plan

Next, using the information we've collected, we work with you to prioritize what needs to be accomplished and work out a plan for resolution.


Engage on Champion Project

We then work with you to close your top priority gap and establish a new baseline inside your environment. This first project will be a starting point for everything that follows.


Evaluate Success and Repeat

After implementing the first phases of the project, determine if goals and objectives have been met. Refine and update as necessary. Take what you've learned and repeat on next project.


We utilize Agile project management to improve speed of results

We implement Agile project management for all our projects and have never seen a more revolutionary way to run IT. Getting results faster and prioritizing getting work done, this methodology has been honed in the development world for many years and now is used in many organizations and on projects of all sizes.

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